Tripura Gk provided various current affairs of Tripura, General Knowledge of Tripura, History Gk in Tripura, MCQ Tripura History Gk, Latest Gk in Tripura for Competitive Exam Question Papers Collection and Gk solved from different exams like TPSC, Tripura High Court, NHM, Tripura Police, etc. help in the preparation of exams.
Q121. Kok Borok Language Day is observed in Tripura on
(a) 15 January
(b) 19 January
(c) 21 January
(d) None of these
Q122. When was the Tribal Research Institute established in Tripura?
(a) 1970
(b) 1971
(c) 1978
(d) None of these
Q123. Who was the Chairman of the Tripura Upajati Bhasa Commission constituted during 2004-05 in Tripura?
(a) Basudev Barman
(b) Bamapada Mukerjee
(c) Pabitra Sarkar
(d) None of them
Q124. In which year was the concept of ‘Tribal Sub-Plan’ adopted in Tripura?
(a) 1971
(b) 1974
(c) 1979
(d) None of these
Q125. ‘Tripura Sixth Schedule Bill” was passed by the Loksabha in the year
(a) 1980
(b) 1983
(c) 1984
(d) None of these
Q126. Origin of river Gumti of Tripura is
(a) Deotamura range
(b) Longtharai and Atharamura range
(c) Baramura range
(d) None of these
Q127. Number of Panchayat Samity in Tripura is
(a) 23
(b) 24
(c) 25
(d) None of these
Q128. What is the total area of Tripura?
(a) 10,941.69 sq. Km.
(b) 10,194.96 sq. Km.
(c) 10,491.69 sq. Km.
(d) None of these
Q129. Female literacy rate of Tripura as per 2001 census is
(a) 73.66%
(b) 81.47%
(c) 65.41%
(d) None of these
Q130. Which king of Tripura did build the Tripureswari Temple?
(a) Dhanya Manikya
(b) Gobinda Manikya
(c) Bir Bikram Kishore Manikya
(d) None of them
Q131. When was Tripura merged into Indian Union?
(a) 15 August, 1947
(b) 26 January, 1950
(c) 15 October, 1949
(d) None of these
Q132. Resource sharing is a part of
(a) Library cooperation
(b) Library classification
(c) Library cataloging
(d) None of these
Q133. ILA is an association of which type of libraries?
(a) Academic libraries
(b) Public libraries
(c) Special libraries
(d) None of these
Q134. Extension Service is a special feature of
(a) Special libraries
(b) Academic libraries
(c) Public Libraries
(d) None of these
Q135. The list which provided the names and address of persons or organization, is called
(a) Encyclopaedia
(b) Yearbook
(c) Directory
(d) None of these
Q136. Who is the publisher of LISA?
(a) Bengal Library Association
(b) Library Association
(c) American Library Association
(d) None of these
Q137. ‘India : A Reference Annual’ is an example of
(a) Yearbook
(b) Directory
(c) Handbook
(d) None of these
Q138. Which library first introduces the printed catalog?
(a) Library of Congress
(b) British Museum
(c) Imperial Library
(d) None of these
Q139. Who developed the Chain Indexing?
(a) Melvil Dewey
(b) C.A. Cutter
(c) S.R. Ranganathan
(d) None of these
Q140. ISBN of a book has
(a) 10 digits
(b) 12 digits
(c) 14 digits
(d) None of these
Q141. Accession Register of the library is meant for
(a) Registration of book
(b) Registration of Periodicals
(c) Registration of boos in the same serial in which they are received
(d) None of these
Q142. Annual Report of the library is a
(a) Account of the year
(b) Report of the current year
(c) Report of the ended year
(d) None of these
Report Card
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