College of Fisheries Lembucherra Recruitment 2021. Walk-in 03 Vacancy for Lab Technician, Lab Assistant & JRF
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January 09, 2021

College of Fisheries Lembucherra Recruitment 2021. Walk-in 03 Vacancy for Lab Technician, Lab Assistant & JRF


College of Fisheries Lembucherra Recruitment 2021


College of Fisheries (CoF), Lembucherra Tripura has released current employment news for the recruitment 03 posts of Lab Technician, Lab Assistant and Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the latest Agartala Vacancy 2021. Candidates are requested to read the contents of the Jobs advertisement and ensure their eligibility before applying.


Application Process

Offline Form

Job Location


Walk-in date

21st January 2021

Recruitment Board

College of Fisheries/

Central Agricultural University



College of Fisheries Lembucherra Vacancy Details 2021



1. Lab Technician (LT)


No. of Post: 01 (One)


Essential: M.F.Sc/M.V.Sc. or M.Sc. in Microbiology/Life Science/Biotechnology/Zoology.


Desirable: Preference to candidate with experience in fish diagnosis/microbiology/molecular biology, soil and water qualify analysis.


Emolument: Rs.24,000/- per month


Age limit: 35 years (Relaxation of age as per GOI rules)



2. Lab Assistant (LA)


No. of Post: 01 (One)


Essential: B.F.Sc.  or B.Sc. in Microbiology/Life Science/Biotechnology/Zoology/Fisheries.


Desirable: Preference to candidate with experience in fish diagnosis/microbiology/molecular biology, soil and water qualify analysis.


Emolument: Rs.12,000/- per month


Age limit: 30 years (Relaxation of age as per GOI rules)



3. Junior Research Fellow (JRF)


No. of Post: 01 (One)


Essential: Professional Degree holders as M.F.Sc. with four years B.F.Sc./M.V.Sc. or M.Sc. in Microbiology/Biotechnology/Life Science/Zoology/Fisheries with NET/GATE qualification.


Desirable: Preference to candidate with experience in Aquatic Animal Health Management or Fish disease diagnosis/microbiology/molecular biology.


Emolument: Rs.25,000/- + HRA per month


Age limit: Below 35 years for men and 40 years for women as on date of Interview. Relaxation of age to the SC/ST/OBC and PH candidates will be as per GOI rules.



How to Apply College of Fisheries Lembucherra Jobs 2021


√Interested candidates may appear for the interview must bring typed application in the prescribed format, addressed to the Dean, College of Fisheries, Lembucherra, Tripura (W) and detailed bio-data affixed with recent passport size photograph of the candidate and original as well as self attested photocopies of certificates in support of age, qualifications, experience, testimonials and other credentials.


√A Walk-in Interview for the above position under NFDB funded AAHL scheme and DBT project will be held in the College of Fisheries, Lembucherra, Tripura-799210 on 21.01.2021 at 10.30 AM.



Important Web Links of College of Fisheries Lembucherra Jobs 2021


Detailed Advt. & Form

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Official Website

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