NMAET, Agartala Recruitment 2020: Apply 02 Posts for @ State & Gender Coordinator
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September 08, 2020

NMAET, Agartala Recruitment 2020: Apply 02 Posts for @ State & Gender Coordinator

NMAET, Agartala Recruitment 2020

National Mission on Agriculture Extension & Technology, Agartala, Tripura has released employment news of official website agri.tripura.gov.in notification for the recruits 02 posts of “State Coordinator & Gender Coordinator” in the latest vacancy 2020. Candidates who are interested in Jobs details given below and have completed all eligibility criteria can read advertisement and apply.

Application Process
Offline Form
Last Date
30th September 2020
Krishi Bhaban, Agartala
Name of the Authority
Meghalaya Basin Development Authority (MBDA)

NMAET, Agartala Vacancies Details 2020

1. State Coordinator

No. of Post: 01 (One)

Qualification: Doctorate or Post Graduate degree in Agriculture Extension, Agronomy, Horticulture, Fisheries, Soil Science, Agriculture Economics and other allied sector.

Experience: Minimum 10 years of Experience in Coordination & Planning for Ph.D. holders and 20 years for Masters.

Remuneration: Rs.50,000/- per month

2. Gender Coordinator

No. of Post: 01 (One)

Qualification: Post Graduate Degree in Agriculture and allied sector including Home Science, Extension or Sociology.

Experience: 5 years experience in Agriculture Extension or gender related work.

Remuneration: Rs.40,000/- per month

Age: Candidate should be below 65 years of age. The period of contractual service not exceeding 1 (one) year at a time may be considered but he or she may not be allowed to continue beyond completion of 65 of age.

How to Apply NMAET, Agartala Recruitment 2020

Application may apply for the post by downloading the application form from the prescribed website or collecting from the office of the Director, T-SAMETI, Lembucherra and submit the field in form to the office of the Director, T-SAMETI, Lembucherra, West Tripura within the stipulated period after super scribing the envelope as “Application for the post of State Coordinator/Gender Coordinator” along with following testimonials.

Self attested photocopy of the testimonials:-

(i) Photocopy of residential proof (Voter ID/Ration Card/Aadhar Card).

(ii) Madhyamik/H.S./Graduation/Post-Graduation/Ph.D. Mark Sheet.

(iii) Age proof certificate.

(iv) Caste certificate.

(v) Computer skill certificate (if any).

(vi) Proof of experience (it is to be noted that experience in Government office/PSU/Statutory Body/Local Self Government will only be considered). Any other experience will not be considered for this purpose.

Important Web Links of NMAET, Agartala Recruitment 2020

Detailed Advertisement
Application Form 4th Page
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