Tripura High Court Recruitment 2019 - [08 Posts] of Grade-III of Tripura Judicial Service
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October 03, 2019

Tripura High Court Recruitment 2019 - [08 Posts] of Grade-III of Tripura Judicial Service

Tripura-High-Court-LogoApplications are invited for the recruitment in Grade-III of Tripura Judicial Service.

Tripura High Court.
Last Date: 23.10.2019.

Name of the post: Grade-III of Tripura Judicial Service

No. of posts: 08 [UR-4, ST-2 & SC-2)

Qualification: Degree in Law from a recognized University established by Law in India.

The scale of Pay: Rs.27700-770-33090-920-40450-1080-44770/- per month.

Age: Applications are invited from the eligible candidates who have not completed 35 years of age (in case of General candidates) and 38 years of age (in case of Schedule of Tribes and Scheduled Castes candidates).

How to Apply: Applications in Prescribed Format available in the official website of the High Court of Tripura along with self-attested copies of all certificates/documents, six copies of recent passport size photocopies and Bank Draft of Rs.500/- (Rs.250/- in case of reserved category candidates) payable at Agartala in favor of the Registrar General, High Court of Tripura, Agartala should reach the undersigned on or before 23.10.2019.

The last date for submission of fresh application is 23.10.2019.

Date of Preliminary Written Examination is fixed on 24.11.2019 (Sunday)